Next Steps

There are Lots of Ways to Get Involved.


Children’s Bible Study
On Wednesday evenings, our children have the opportunity to learn about the Bible and God’s love in a more relaxed format. Special emphasis is placed on Bible knowledge, friendships and fun. Supper starts at 5:15 and children’s study begins at 6:15 p.m.

Sunday School
We meet from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. upstairs in the Children’s Department above the sanctuary. Classes are listed below. K4 – Second Grade and Third Grade – Sixth Grade.

Children’s Church
Sunday Mornings immediately following the Children’s sermons. A time of kid-friendly Bible lessons for ages 3 – 7 yr. old children.  Bible stories are brought to life through lively teaching, crafts, and games.

This program is a fun and exciting way for our kids to focus on growing stronger in their faith and Bible knowledge. It also teaches the children to work together and form strong relationships with each other and their families. Ages 4 yrs. to 6th grade. We meet during the school year calendar Sunday Nights from 6 – 7 p.m.

Trained Staff attend children with loving care during Worship services, Sunday School, and Sunday/Wednesday night activities.


Come join this refreshing group of young Christians as we walk through life, inviting Christ into our Hearts.

Special emphasis is placed on reading God’s word, praying to our Lord and finally gathering in groups to love and strengthen one another.

The youth ministry meets every Wednesday and Sunday for special youth services, which always include worship and teaching.

Wednesday Night 6pm-7pm and Sunday evenings 6pm-7p.m.

Sundays we meet at 10am-10:45am for Sunday School.

Check out our facebook page!


Chancel Choir
Chancel Choir is open to all who enjoy praising the Lord.  We meet each Wednesday night in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. for rehearsal.  We sing a variety of music and lead worship each Sunday.  The Chancel Choir provides an annual Christmas Cantata and Easter performance as well. We would love to have new voices to join us!

Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir meets in the fall of the year to practice and prepare an annual Christmas production.  We have ages 4 years old to 6th grade.  We meet on Wednesday evenings at 6pm – 7pm upstairs in the Children’s Department.


The Missions Committee at Waynesboro First Methodist church is a thriving Ministry that contributes to many projects close to home and worldwide, and everywhere in-between! 

The Missions committee meets the 3rd Monday of each month
and is chaired by Bill Tinsley.  

Our church also supports our own Missionaries John and Donna Bearden
in the Dominican Republic.

Big Hope Bearden Ministries 

Big Hope Bearden Ministries is a dedicated Christian 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Organization working to positively impact Batey 7 and neighboring communities, located in the Dominican Republic. Their mission encompasses a wide range of initiatives, including running a clinic that provides essential medical and surgical care, clean water, construction projects, and education programs. 

Check them out here! http://beardenministries.org/


We want to invite those within our church and community to participate in our Sassy Seniors. 

Our Sassy Seniors consist of those men and women who are 55 years and older.  We meet once a month.  Our activities will vary from month to month.  There will be times to have fun and fellowship within our community and there will be times we will travel to different locations.

For more information please contact Jennifer at 706-871-0269.


Moms In Prayer Bible Study Opportunity-

Igniting a Passion to Pray will be offered for those new to Moms in Prayer or for those who want a refresher on the 4 steps of prayer.

To get more information CLICK HERE!

Women’s Breakfast:

All women are invited within our church and community to participate in our
Women’s Breakfast. We meet at 8am on the first Saturday of the month
in the social hall.

Sunshine Circle:

First Fridays at 9:30am in the Multipurpose Room.

Circle Of Grace:

Second Tuesdays at 6pm in the Multipurpose Room.


All men are invited within our church and community to join us for our Men’s Unity Breakfast. 

We meet at 8am on every third Saturday of the month.  The breakfast rotates each month at different locations.  The following churches participate in  Men’s Unity breakfast, Rosemont Baptist Church, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, Waynesboro First Methodist Church, Phillips Grove Baptist Church, Waynesboro First Baptist Church and Waynesboro Church of God. 

For more information please contact Bo at 912-536-2977.


802 N Liberty Street | Waynesboro, GA 30830


CHURCH OFFICE: 706-554-2188


CHURCH OFFICE: 706-554-2188